Moving To The Cloud: Is Your Business Ready?

What Is The Cloud?

The “Cloud” is somewhat of a nebulous term for those who aren’t fully versed in the latest IT technologies.  Although many people understand the basic gist, many business owners and managers have no idea how the cloud can be incredibly beneficial in terms of productivity and scalability.

In the simplest sense, cloud computing for business refers to the ability to access computer, IT, and software resources over a network connection.  For example, instead of installing separate versions of Office on each computer in your office, you can opt for Office 365, which is a cloud-based software that allows users to access all programs such as Word and Excel through the network.  The software is constantly updated on the fly over the network, improving security and functionality.  Files can be easily shared between users, and even be worked on at the same time by many people.

Is Your Business Ready To Move To The Cloud?

In deciding whether your business is ready to move to the cloud, consider the plans you have for growth.  Most software and resources that your business currently uses can be brought into the cloud.  Rather than investing in several new physical servers, your business could invest in a virtual infrastructure that would allow the deployment of new servers easily and quickly – all while saving money and maximizing the usage of hardware you already own.

Most small businesses can benefit from moving to the cloud, from small to large.  In fact, business adoption of cloud-based resources is growing faster than anticipated, and is one of the fastest growing sectors of current IT technologies.  Really, the question you should ask yourself about utilizing cloud for your company is not if, but when.

Cloud Computing For Business Increases Possibilities

Most companies are taking advantage of the cloud for more than just cost-reduction, although that is one of its most appealing advantages.  Instead, businesses are using cloud-based resources to improve productivity, improve the overall efficiency of the company, quickly dial resources up or down as needed, and provide easy scalability to enable new growth plans and business models.

Moving enterprise applications to the cloud allows for ease of deployment and access – employees are no longer tied to a physical location.  Employees can easily access important applications while away on business or simply work from home.

Business Continuity Improves With Cloud Based Models

There are numerous benefits of moving to the cloud, however one of the biggest is in terms of having solid business continuity in the face of natural or man-made disaster.  Having data and applications in the cloud reduces downtime should your office be destroyed by a fire or flood.  Employees that have a laptop stolen while on business will no longer lose all their valuable data.  By ensuring that your important applications live in the cloud you won’t have to stop everything and suffer costly downtime should disaster strike.

Cloud based backups also offer one of the best ways to have a solid backup and disaster recovery system in place.

Ready To Move To The Cloud?

If you want to take the next step and talk to a professional about how the cloud could propel your business forward, AMA Networks would love to help.  Contact our IT pros today to get set up with a free assessment personalized around your business and goals.
